The Scandelles Journal
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
What a crazy couple of weeks. I have a few pieces due, Denise and I are going to be covergirls for a mag, the name of which I will not divulge at this time, and so therefore are going to be primped to within an inch of our lives (Denise: "What's a corset like?" Oh dear...), and I haven't even started plugging away at my column.
Meanwhile, best news of the world: I am going to be DJing monthly at Ciao Edie on the third sunday of every month for their gurl night. Oh, didn't know I was a DJ? I have been doing it secretly for about 20 years now, like everyone, I make a mean mixed tape. Secret Agent will be my partner. I am looking forward to this a lot. I love music, love mixing different genres, and watching people dance. Finally, something to keep my hands busy at Ciao! For all my moaning about Vanity DJs, I really hope it doesn't seem like I'm falling into that category, given that this is not my primary source of income. My tag is that I am playing indy, punk, and classic rock. Secret Agent will just be spazzing out as usual.
Flare, me and Denise are off to Montreal on april 10th to perform at Meow Mix, a girl night put on by Miriam Ginestier. Flare and I are planning a wicked duo, and I will only say the words George and Martha amd leave it at that!!
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