The Scandelles Journal
Thursday, December 04, 2003
from Sasha:
Montreal was amazing, and it was a grand thrill to bring the Scandelles to my hometown, where we were much appreciated and even made some new friends. It was a lot of work to organize but totally worth it in the end, although I went to some trouble to make the ShowMaker a giant head pasty, and it was suggested that he might not enjoy wearing it. He'll be sorry when it's all over the fucking runways next season.
Kitty, Denise, and I are off to London (HELLO LONDON) this Friday the 5th to perform at a gurls party at the Polish Military Hall. Gorgeous. Meanwhile, went to the home of Venus and the Professor on Tuesday night to watch a rehearsal with Cooter for the Vice Capades, our holiday pagent on the 20th. Very excited, and picked up some ass kicking prizes from Come As You Are for Bare-a-oke, too. Altogether, a pretty chill week after the tornado of preparing for Mtl. A few cherished memories from that trip:
1. Watching everyone eat pizza off the bed like we were a bunch of starving hyenas.
2. Running nude through the hallways of our hotel with video cam for "members only" section of the site. Loved Otto's measured suggestion that we take it to "the ice machines and back". Made it sound as civilized as a polo match.

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